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(Mẫu mới ,dài 22 cm , có thể biến đổi thành 2 dạng robo, nhiều chi tiết ,vũ khí)
Link Hình tham khảo :
- ` -- already [ black / unicorn ` バンシィ ] is an appearance at MG!
- It is full reappearance about the modification mechanism unique to a unicorn!
- ` which appeared [ the ] by the last scene of episode4 at last -- black unicorn ` バンシィ -- already -- MG-izing! the transformation in the デストロイ mode from unicorn mode -- full reappearance.
Moreover, the golden Phycho frame is reproduced with the special material which carries out UV reaction.
- The Phycho frame is UV luminescence with a black light! A special material is used for the Phycho frame part.
UV luminescence will be carried out if it illuminates with a black light.
- Left armed Armagh VN carries a deployment gimmick.
A beam ton fur is also reproducible!
- Right armed Armagh BS carries a beam discharge hole movable gimmick besides deployment.
- RX-0 Unicorn GUNDAM of No. 2 バンシィ -- No. 2 of unicorn GUNDAM.
The figure from unicorn mode to デストロイ mode is changed like No. 1.
` バンシィ ` is a common name.
- Accessories : armed Armagh BS, armed Armagh VN, and beam saber x4 (beam x2), the joint only for an action base, a figure (マリーダ), a cockpit figure (マリーダ), an angle (movable type), an angle (D mode, U mode)
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